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Coincidence? I think not.

Mental Health Awareness Month and Bike Month... at the same time?

Coincidence? I think not.

By: Ross Paterson


Taking Care of You: Take it Seriously

Did you know that May is Mental Health Awareness Month and Bike Month? A coincidence? I think not.
Check out this quote from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. He was a Scottish physician, surgeon, and later in life, the creator of Sherlock Holmes.
“When the spirits are low, when the day appears dark, when work becomes monotonous, when hope hardly seems worth having, just mount a bicycle and go out for a spin down the road, without thought on anything but the ride you are taking.”
We have a box on the ‘flip side’ of our 30-day planner for business owners called ‘Golden Eggs.’ The analogy is if you don’t take care of the goose… YOU… Then you won’t get any golden eggs from your business ventures.
When life is out of balance, just like when a bicycle wheel is out of ‘true,’ going faster will only make things worse. Without an adjustment/alignment, a complete breakdown is inevitable.  
I have yet to meet a startup business owner who says: I want to sacrifice my health, my marriage, my family, my sanity to build this company. And yet, there are some things we need to do to avoid this crash.
Leadership matters in your small business. Your Xtra Mile Truth this week is: Lead yourself first.  Take care of the goose so that you can produce golden eggs for a long time.  Then your business will have the generational impact you dreamed about when you were getting started.

You are probably closer to your next breakthrough than you imagine.

PS We will be taking the liberty during Bike Month to deliver solid bike analogies to our business and leadership ventures.

Download our 30-day planner
and see what a little focus can do to balance your life, 
improve your mental health, and deliver Xcelerated results.
Then come ride with me for bike month. All abilities are welcome. #cyclingisthenewgolf