We believe every employee, in every kind of organization, constantly asks these five questions in their head and heart, even if they never say them out loud.
Do you think this is true? If it is true, we should make it part of our formal and informal communications to proactively and repetitively answer these questions. In meetings, when planning for projects, delegation conversations, feedback, follow-ups, and during 1-1 sessions.
For the rest of October, imagine everyone on your team has these five questions hanging from a sign on their chest. Answer them without being asked and I guarantee you will create communication and performance acceleration.
SMB Owners, if you don’t know the answers to these questions, we have a different prescription for you:
Check out our video shorts on The 4 C’s of Team Performance.
You are probably closer to your next leadership breakthrough than you imagine. We will look forward to seeing you on the Xtra Mile. |