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The Cost of Low Performers

The Cost of Low Performers

By: Ross Paterson

At our last BXH2 Happy Hour, Chuck Inman shared some interesting statistics on why business executives get fired.

  1. 31% can’t manage change
  2. 28% ignored the customer
  3. 27% tolerated low performance


Chuck is an expert on leadership and emotional intelligence and had an exceptional career leading international sales teams in the pharmaceutical industry.  Check out his website and two books here.

Our clients struggle with the same issues but in our experience they are most susceptible to #3.  All week we have been working with leaders who are struggling with underperforming employees.  Frequently, the owner continues to do work the employee was hired to do, rather than deal with the conflict and stress of effective accountability.  Because we don’t have anyone to fire us, we make excuses for the mediocre growth and low profits, common side effects of tolerating low performers.

XM Truth:  The rest of the team notices when the leader overlooks poor performance.