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The Coach’s Whistle

Level Up Your Leaders in 2024

The Coach’s Whistle

By: Ross Paterson

New Toolbox Series: Episode 3
(Check out The Whistle Video)


XM Truth: Leadership becomes 10 times more complicated when we move from leading people / teams / process to leading through other organizational leaders.

One of my favorite leaders is Henry Drummond, a Scottish pastor/biologist/writer and lecturer from the 1800’s. He said, “As we try to influence and elevate others, we shall soon see that success is in proportion to their belief of our belief in them.” Our success in elevating other leaders is almost completely dependent on their belief of our belief in them.

How do we build this belief? According to my late friend Rick Betenbough, coaching leaders happens in two dimensions. Shoulder to Shoulder and Heart to Heart.

First, Shoulder to Shoulder. We must spend quality time looking at the work together, show them our playbooks for leveraging vision and values to build a strong team. Provide guidance, ask questions, help them ‘see’ without giving specifics about how. Nothing frustrates a strong leader more than being micromanaged. Just DON’T do it.

Second, Heart to Heart. At XM Performance we believe we are responsible for the whole human assigned under our leadership. Professional-Personal-Spiritual. This means we have to spend time eye to eye with them as well. Understanding their hearts, filling their souls, helping them have a legacy impact: at work, at home, and in their communities.

My question for you leaders…

Is everyone who works under your leadership better than they were a year ago?


Zig Ziglar used to say, “You can train your people and worry about them leaving… or… you can NOT train them and worry about them staying.”


The former is the better option. You are probably closer to your next breakthrough than you imagine.

Download our Critical Personnel Inventory to develop a plan to elevate your leaders in 2024. Then schedule a brief meeting below to have one of our consultants guide you through the process. We will look forward to seeing you on the Xtra Mile.