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Surrender, Submit, Serve, Love

God rest ye merry Entrepreneurs

Surrender, Submit, Serve, Love

By: Ross Paterson
We’ve had a crazy ride into the finish line of 2023. As the world prepares to celebrate Christmas, I have been thinking about the leadership of Jesus.
He SURRENDERED his high position.
He SUBMITTED to a higher calling, his Father’s will.
He SERVED and gave his life as a ransom for many.
He LOVED, even the hard people, even the outcasts, and even the religious leaders who had him killed.
Powerful examples of what great leadership looks like in any environment.
To our tribe of SMB owners and leaders: Give yourself the gift of unplugging from work for a few days. Plug into your families, surrender, submit, serve, and love them.
God rest ye merry Entrepreneurs.
MerrChristmas and Happy New Year from the XM Performance team.