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Stay Positive…Test Negative

Stay Positive…Test Negative

By: Ross Paterson

Optimism and Thankfulness


I have been listening to The Ride of a Lifetime by Bob Iger (Disney CEO); as you can imagine he is a great storyteller. He declares one of the most crucial characteristics of a leader is optimism. Storms come, struggles are real, the world fights through a global pandemic. In the midst of every battle, optimism brings hope, and hope gives the courage to take action. Action will get us back on track better than worry.


At XM Performance we have a lot to be thankful for this year, some losses, but more wins. Optimism drives our actions. Pivots have created new potential. Our tribe of XtraMilers continues to make small and medium businesses the best places to work in America.


Wherever you are this holiday weekend, celebrate safely. Be gentle with your family and neighbors who take actions different from yours.


Give Thanks!

Stay Positive!

Test Negative!


Happy Thanksgiving!!