For ten years I trained and developed leaders for the Army; for six years I did the same for GE. The more we succeeded at unlocking human potential, the stronger we performed as a team.
XM Truth: To get to the next level, you have to raise up strong leaders.
The first few times I advised our business owner/entrepreneur clients to start developing the high potential men and women on their teams, I was shocked to hear, “Yes…but how?”
Front line leaders in small businesses are often top individual performers promoted from within. This can be an overwhelming assignment, leading people that were peers a week before with little or no training. Five years ago, we launched our first ever Managers to Leaders (M2L) training group. Unlocking the leadership potential of these top performers has created amazing breakthroughs for our clients. Many of our largest clients have sent dozens of their managers through this course.
Leadership Development is not a class, or a workshop, it is process. We are starting a new group in July. Whose potential do you need to unlock?
Click here for more details on our next Managers to Leaders class.