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No Capes!

Let someone else be the superhero

No Capes!

By: Ross Paterson
Hidden Treasures Series: Episode 3
In our video this week I shared the story of one of our favorite clients – Jessica Riggs from Angels of Care. When we first started working with her team, she was a 29-year-old second-generation president running a $40 million-a-year home health business. I asked her, “Jessica, how do you know what to work on every day?”
Jessica: “It just comes at me.”
Ross: “…That is not a great way to run a $40 million company.”
Jessica: “I know, that’s why you are here.”
Most business owners are highly intelligent, gritty, and have impeccable work ethics. However, if we are not careful, we can work really hard and really long on mostly the wrong things. Good things, important things, urgent things, but not the BEST things.
We have other clients who have a hard time evolving from start-up mode to foundation building. They are addicted to the adrenaline-fueled work the start-up stage requires. These owners should be focused on long-term strategy/planning, people, and setting the right rhythms and routines to expand the foundation. Instead, they pull their superhero capes out of the closet way too often to fight fires their teams can and should easily handle.
Take heed from Edna Mode (superhero costume designer from The Incredibles).
Business owners, your evolution as a leader involves elevating what you spend your time and attention on as the business grows. This is one of the easiest Hidden Treasures to uncover. Start by taking a time audit (Download Here) and see where your time is really going.
If you feel ready to burn your cape and make a big change in your business, we’re ready to talk! Take a moment to schedule a 30-min. conversation with one of our business consultants to discuss where you’re company is and, more importantly, where you want it to be.
Your business, your team, and YOU will be better for it.