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Team Chemistry

Luck Has Nothing To Do With It

Team Chemistry

By: Ross Paterson

One of the big differences in my transition from the military to the business world was having the autonomy to build my team. Soldiers were assigned to my units in the Army.

I made the comment to one of my first business leaders that he was lucky to have such a strong team.

His response, “Luck has nothing to do with it, Ross. I have been building this dream team for almost 10 years.” A huge paradigm shift for me.

SMB owners have the same autonomy and frequently neglect to flex these freedom muscles. Here are a few tips for building strong chemistry in your dream team.

  • Humans have Potential energy; it’s the leader’s job to turn it into Kinetic energy. Most humans are sitting on potential they can’t even see in themselves.

  •  A thriving team is driven by a balanced mix of strengths, and the wisdom to know how to leverage them together.  (Mad Scientist of Performance: Team Diversity)

  • The last thing your team needs is another you.  Be careful when recruiting, unlike magnets, we tend to attract people that are like us.

  • High-performing teams never build themselves.  One of the leader’s highest priorities is TEAM.

If you don’t know how to do this and you own a small/medium business, we would love to help you. We have simple, affordable tools to share that will dramatically xclerate your results with a small investment of time.

You are probably closer to your next breakthrough than you imagine.

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