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How to Meet Your Hottest MPPC

Be where the gold is

How to Meet Your Hottest MPPC

By: Ross Paterson

To prospect…or not to prospect. That is the question.

Another question: Who is your MPPC = Most Promising Prospective Client?

Mindset really matters when it comes to closing revenue gaps. Watch this 90-second clip to set the stage for this week’s Biz. Dev. topic: PROSPECTING.


“If you want sustained success in your sales career (or sustained growth for your SMB), if you want to maximize your income (revenue), then you’ve got to interrupt prospects.”

Jeb Blount – Fanatical Prospecting


If we truly believe deep in our souls that we have the solutions to relieve our client’s pain, then it would be malpractice for us not to offer. With that mindset firmly fixed, we are now ready for the hard work of prospecting.

  1. Figure out where your most promising MPPCs hangout (both digitally and physically). You have to go where the gold is.

  2. Craft a clear, concise, and compelling prospecting message that is:
    – 15 seconds or less.
    -Specific about a common business objective.
    -Utilizing pain as the most powerful human motivation.
    -Funny and/or disruptive.
    -Offering proof from a client that looks like your MPPC.

  3. Use your phone, email, social media, and in person tactics to proactively (and positively) interrupt your prospects.

  4. Be persistent. Repetition matters; use multiple communications streams for each MPPC.

  5. Be gritty, and don’t let rejection/early setbacks stick to your soul.

If you are new to the proactive interruption of MPPCs, warm up by calling old contacts, previous clients with a new offering, and referral partners. We always find gold in our existing network. Download our prospecting planning guide to help you get started.

 You are probably closer to your next revenue breakthrough than you imagine.  We will look forward to seeing you on the Xtra Mile.