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High-Impact or Overwhelmed?

High-Impact or Overwhelmed?

By: Ross Paterson

An XtraMiler runs the high-impact business of his/her dreams without being overwhelmed by the heavy burdens of business ownership. We believe this XtraMiler is inside many business owners, and with the right help you can:

  • Lay a strong foundation
  • Build a high-impact business
  • Transition to the next level (Sell, Multiply, Invest)


The XtraMile Journey is not for everyone. The potential is in the leaders with the right DNA, or what we like to call, VGHT.


Big VISION: A clear story of the future state of your business, its impact, it’s legacy.


Big GAP: An honest assessment of where you are versus where you meant to be.


Big HEART: Two ideas here, first your high-impact business is more than just a money machine. Second, you have the emotional intelligence to ‘see’ you are the primary cause of the GAP.


Big THIRST: Intense desire for continuous learning and improvement, fanatical owner of a growth mindset.


Perhaps you have been running a business on your frazzled last nerve, but your dream at the beginning was something much bigger, much better. The ‘Rona has knocked everyone off target in 2020. Only a few will take the right steps to get back and win in 2021. We have helped hundreds of business owners get ahead of the competition.


It is in you, let our processes and consultants help you rediscover the joy of owning a business. Schedule a call so we can help you get back on track this year.