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Fond Fare Wells

Fond Fare Wells

By: Ross Paterson
“You can train your people and worry about them leaving, or you can NOT train them and worry about them staying.” 
Zig Ziglar


I have given this advice to thousands of leaders over the last two decades, but it is very difficult advice to receive.


Hannah Wells started with XM Performance in 2015. She was young, smart, fast, and learned new skills quickly. It took her a couple of years to really ‘get’ what we were doing for our SMB clients; when she bought into our calling, she transformed into an #XtraMiler.
    • She became our marketing expert
    • Traveled to India to assist in building an Afghan tech team
    • Learned how to confidently and effectively give public presentations
    • Wore us out regularly leading workouts on Fitness Friday
    • Evolved into the captain of our admin team
    • Overcame fears and learned how to close deals
    • Became a certified TTI DiSC and Motivators facilitator

We were better and our clients were well served because of her enormous talent and zeal. Alas, she has outgrown our boutique firm and is ready for a new career with new challenges in the Human Resources world. It has been an honor and joy working with her over the last 5 years.

Thank you, Hannah Wells!

#JobWellDone #XtraMilerforlife #stilldoesntridebikes