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Extra Grace Required

Extra Grace Required

By: Ross Paterson

A polarizing presidential election in its final months.

A soul-crushing pandemic.

Media that gains revenue by being more negative and nasty.

Racial tension, riots, protests, increased violence.

The rise of Karen.


I have been traveling again to serve XM Performance clients as they navigate the challenges of 2020. The hotel I frequent in Phoenix has closed its amazing breakfast service. Now, the night manager puts together take away breakfast bags for the guests. I went down early on Tuesday and said,


“Good morning Andrew, (he had a name tag) could I get a breakfast bag please?”

In shock, he said,

“Did you just say ‘please’? No one ever says ‘please’ or ‘thank you’ anymore.”


Imagine working in the hospitality industry and your guests never show you any love or appreciation. Masks, social distancing, and fear are putting us in little tiny bubbles. We can’t even share a smile in passing.


Calling all humans, we must be better than this. The mask might hide the smile, but we can still say ‘Good morning, please, and thank you.’ In every business encounter, in every workplace, in every conversation, EXTRA GRACE IS REQUIRED. Leaders set the standard for your teams and organizations. Reduce and relieve the tensions that everyone else is creating, that is what XtraMilers do in times of crisis.


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