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Don’t Overcomplicate It

Goodbye, Complex Planning!

Don’t Overcomplicate It

By: Ross Paterson
Watch our new Q3 Planning Video – A Simple Plan – on how to answer the most important question in your company’s strategic process.
My first job out of college was leading an Infantry platoon in Schweinfurt, Germany. Do you know who they recruit for Infantry platoons? People who are stronger than they are smart (me included). We built every SOP and tactical playbook with the theory of Keep ISuper Simple – KISS (although we might have used slightly different words in those days).
Apply this principle generously and intentionally in your small business teams and we guarantee you will find Xceleration in your results. Whenever and wherever you find opportunities, SIMPLIFY!
Start with creating a simple business plan to give your team the clarity they need to do their best work.
  1. Create and articulate your vision for the end of 2024.
  2. Write out 2-3 SMART goals for each key area of the business (Marketing, Sales, Operations, People, Finance, Systems/Processes). Define ways to measure your progress in each.
  3. Set 3 critical priorities at the beginning of each month. Don’t let 12 other good things to work on distract you from the most critical work.
  4. Assign captains for each priority (NOT just you, business owner).
  5. Meet weekly to report to each other on progress on the top priorities.
Simple, right? Teams that follow this simple process will outperform their peers nearly every single time. Our clients that achieve rapid growth have plans in writing, clear roles/team alignment, and meet regularly for accountability.
Need a little help? Download the DIY SMB planner.
Need a little more help? Check out our Business Planning Xcelerator one-day event on September 13! 
For an SMB owner, sitting down and planning strategically for your business is no easy feat. This BPX will provide you with the jumpstart you need for 2025 – we will discuss Marketing, Sales, People, Systems/Processes, and Operations to start your strategic blueprint!