Four years ago, I was having coffee with a realtor friend. She was talking through her chaotic work week. I told her the same thing I tell almost every business owner or entrepreneur who will listen, hire an administrator and delegate most of that work. Focus on clients, growing your business, and taking care of your family. “I don’t really need it,” she said. With as much persuasiveness as I could muster, I challenged her, “You can’t afford not to.”
She called me last week, excited to share the fact that she had just hired a third office employee to keep up with her growing business. She has recruited 22 agents into the practice and is poised to make a huge impact in the dynamic Dallas/Fort Worth real estate market.
XM Truth: Owners, you are the only ones who can lead your business to the next breakthrough.
Are you spending 8-12 hours per week on administration, book keeping, errand running, etc.? Is that at the expense of leading your business forward or neglecting your family? Hire a part time administrator as soon as possible.
This first acceleration step is that easy, and you can’t afford not to…