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Clarity meet Commitment

Clarity meet Commitment

By: Ross Paterson

One of our long-term clients has been working for a few years to take their industry-disrupting business to the #xtramile. They have been diligently building systems, expanding their sales and marketing capacity, and running expansion teams in a few new markets. It is hard work; if you have done it, you know. Why does everything always look so easy on the whiteboard?


Suddenly, this summer, they had a huge leap forward. A big market event pushed them hard, and they tossed some of the first systems that weren’t expandable. An industry-specific consultant taught them to look at their sales process in a revolutionary way. In one of our Xtra Mile sessions, we helped them plan for the human capital side of rapid expansion.


The stacked lessons gave this husband/wife team new CLARITY. As a result, they are bringing a whole new level of COMMITMENT to being a multi-state disrupter in their market. This is fun for our team because the faster our clients move, the more we can help them.


We are not sure which came first, the Clarity or the Commitment. Without both, your organization will struggle to perform. We were glad to be part of the instigation of thinking bigger and creating the Clarity.


XM Truth: If you are going to expose yourself to the risk of being a business owner, make sure you are working for an impact that is bigger than just making money.


Are you paralyzed by all the amazing ideas in your head but no clear direction? Clarity precedes results. Leaders create clarity. Put it in writing. Come to our Business Planning Xcelerator boot camp next Friday, to create clarity and a simple action plan you can commit to.