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Building Bridges

Building Bridges

By: Ross Paterson

“We learn by using what we already know as a bridge over which we pass to the unknown. It is not possible for the mind to crash suddenly past the familiar into the totally unfamiliar.”

A.W. Tozer


A few things for business owners/leaders to consider in the ‘re-opening’.


Activity ≠ Accomplishment

We were working with a client whose team is frustrated and in pain because of low revenue. Big chunks of a very effective ground game have been eliminated from their playbook. Simultaneously their digital lead generation is producing mediocre to bad prospects, but we have yet to convince the owner to let it go. Because then what will his salespeople do? Make smart adjustments, being busy doesn’t count towards profit in any small business. BUILD THAT BRIDGE!


Protect Your Head and Heart

Take in no more than 10-15 minutes of critical information updates, then stay away from news and social media. We can’t be creative in a state of anger, a state of fear, or a state of despair. There are 100+ things you can’t do anything about. Focus on what you can do. BUILD THAT BRIDGE!


‘This is Like…’

My children are all in their early 20’s, this is their first adult ride into a big global crisis. My hard knocks and receding hairline pay off…for once. We can also help the younger generations on our business teams. See if you can make the unknown a little more familiar using connecting stories that start with ‘This is like…’ BUILD THAT BRIDGE!


What other Bridge Building can you do? Let us know.