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Do you even reskill?

Investing internally costs less

Do you even reskill?

By: Ross Paterson

The most rewarding experience at XM Performance is when our work empowers and inspires humans to perform at levels they didn’t even know were possible.


  • One of our teammates who said she would never do sales is the #2 revenue generator at XM Performance.
  • A scrappy master trade technician is becoming a great leader, encourager, and developer of talent inside a client’s small business.
  • A second-generation business owner tripled the family business to nine figures of revenue, sold to a private equity company, and is now the CEO of a rapidly expanding national organization.


The one thing they all have in common: someone invested in them to unlock their next level of potential.


Current McKinsey and company research shows the cost of bringing in new talent is at least 20-30%, while it costs less than 10% to reskill current employees for new roles.


Bonus for SMB Owners: there is very little risk investing in teammates that have already bought into the company culture & mission.


Our fastest-growing XtraMile clients have consistently invested in leadership development and coaching for their best team players.

These are their Returns on Investment (ROI):


  1. A leader to own critical business deliverables.
  2. Employees with higher levels of engagement and performance.
  3. Less turnover.
  4. Increased capacity for work on strategic tasks to keep the business growing.


“You can train your employees and worry about them leaving, or you can ‘not’ train them and worry about them staying.” – The late, great Zig Ziglar