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The Magnificent Seven

The Magnificent Seven

By: Ross Paterson

The business owners who invest in our Leadership Forums often find the process so valuable that they participate in a group for several years.  An interesting phenomenon is at work here; people need reminding more than they need instruction.

The basics of building a solid, profitable business are simple, but not easy.  Our experience has shown that helping the owners ‘remember’ a few vital things will lead to significant breakthroughs in business performance.

Here are the things we say the most.  The Magnificent Seven:

  1. Clarity Precedes Results
  2. R – C = P. Measure things that make Profit better
  3. It’s not easier if you do it all yourself
  4. Accountability works, learn how to do it well
  5. The team needs a game plan and a playbook
  6. Don’t be a hero, fire prevention leads to less fire fighting
  7. Leaders don’t get to make excuses


The most difficult piece of growing the business is the discipline of getting the ‘RIGHT’ things done weekly/monthly/quarterly.  The XM Leadership Forums establish these rhythms and routines for the business owners.  The best take these disciplines back to their businesses, teaching AND reminding their teams.

XM Truth:  With no strategic plan in place, the world will conspire to take our time.