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It Just Comes At Me

It Just Comes At Me

By: Ross Paterson

We are blessed to work with dozens of businesses every year.  The owner’s toughest struggle is sometimes as simple as where to focus their personal effort and leadership.  A complex challenge because as the business grows, the owner’s roles must evolve.

  1. Don’t confuse activity with accomplishment.  Busy-ness creates high stress and little strategic progress.  Are you in the same place as December 2014?
  2. With no strategic plan or priorities, we work on “whatever comes at me.”  Fire fighting without fire prevention leads to more fire fighting.  Adrenaline junkies beware.
  3. Poor delegation keeps the list of things “Only I can do” way too long.


Any of this seem a little too familiar?  Please use the last month of 2015 to set yourself and your business up for ACCELERATED RESULTS in 2016.  Let us know if we can help.